Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Daily Project Report Format
Elections 13-14 April 2008
LIST THE RIGHT - Fiamma Tricolore
2 3 Buontempo TEODORO
4 5 6
JULIET 7 8 9 Pascolini STEFANO
Elections April 13 to 14 2008
LIST THE RIGHT - Fiamma Tricolore
5 6 7
Elections 13-14 April 2008
LIST THE RIGHT - Fiamma Tricolore
2 3 Buontempo TEODORO
4 5 6
JULIET 7 8 9 Pascolini STEFANO
Elections April 13 to 14 2008
LIST THE RIGHT - Fiamma Tricolore
5 6 7
Saturday, March 8, 2008
معني كلمة Boobes
THE RIGHT - Fiamma Tricolore
elections of 13-14 April 2008
political movements "The Right" and "Fiamma Tricolore" have decided to pool their forces, their symbols and their stories to a single candidate list and a common program in the general election next April.
"La Destra-Fiamma Tricolore" is a candidate to lead Italy in the next Legislature aware of the historical necessity for the Italian people to continue to have representatives in the top institutions in the history of social and Right national, political and cultural life, who know how to pass on values \u200b\u200band principles in this transition was difficult and, without falling into the trap of those who, expressing a single thought, in economics as in politics, only makes a tragic mistake. We believe that simplification of the political, governance and growth of our country do not live at all in reducing the political spectrum to only two people who tend to look more to our people by offering only the poor idea of \u200b\u200balternation of oligarchies and that of a credible alternative to the positive resolution of many, too many problems that still afflict our country.
values \u200b\u200band principles that We motivate and unite us in this common struggle to qualify in:
conceive freedom as a first concrete exercise of rights - the individual, communities and peoples - in co-existence of the scale of the Sacred and the Beautiful, individual choices with the policies for the family as the basic cell of the larger body of social policy for the people, the people and not for power, identifying the most suitable languages \u200b\u200band tools to re-build a political dialogue for decades disappeared;
promote freedom and dialogue among religions without adding fuel to the fire of the clash of civilizations, averting the risk of a loss of deep values \u200b\u200bof our civilization - that is Roman and Christian, and has its roots in natural law - in the name of that secularist relativism, nihilistic last ram degradation;
think of a new state, no longer abstract contract between atomized individuals but the pact between the generations, those past and those to come, an estate of intermediate bodies, communities and local governments, the business system and people, a state capable of curbing the power of anonymous and faceless large power plants and financial corporations, the supranational powers and lack of political legitimacy democratic States are able to say that politics - whether that wants to be - can not be reduced solely to the rank of curator of bankruptcy administration, a state that promotes a culture of legality and provide citizens with quick and efficient justice at last;
counter the idea that the materialist sees the job only because of its economic function, is also aware that the work and above all creation, art, culture and is rooted deeply in the places and communities in which it is expressed;
restore the person, the worker at the center of economic and productive, aware that the product is still and always the result of human work and can not ever have the same human dignity that has worked and produced, and that this should be encouraged for all models that tend to forms of worker participation in the capital 's business;
escape the idea that life could be reduced to the market, new form of idolatry that characterized the followers of that ideology marketism that is spreading and is the aberrant synthesis of the worst conditions of mechanism with the substrate Marxist background of certain materialistic liberalism;
strongly promote the broad participation of women in political life and the world of work not only through the legitimate assertion of the rights of women, but especially through a renewed appreciation of authentically feminine values \u200b\u200bfor which the woman is understood as the heritage of the founding of the company and its role in the civil, cultural, institutional and driving force of the family live
national identity and membership as a mission, overcoming the defeated and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decline in respect of the many local identities of many small countries that they all contribute to fully define, together and alongside the European dream, the Mediterranean and the natural ambition of a universal vocation that has its foundations in our early history;
think, in the face of migration and the need for support in the western world must take charge, the construction of a model anti-xenophobic, far from being multicultural, shuns the false idea of easy integration of duties unrelated to the culture, who can choose who to offer accommodation for easy coexistence of cultures and that, over time, unassuming material may come to develop a model of identity enriched, on the assumption of the existence of a given and cultural anthropology, earth-bound, culture and history, from which one can not ignore - the identity - which is not stated in denying the other's identity but as a prerequisite of relationship and respect for us, and at the same time think of cooperation policies to help the neediest populations to remain in their own countries and avoid the depletion load and a displacement of anxieties.
Based on these principles that unite us, we have to offer our people the choice based on the commitments of this program that unites us and that all our candidates to the Parliament undertake to respect - and not to betray - in the next legislature.
For us life is sacred. Without doubt or hesitation. At the heart of our proposed policy there is a person from conception to death, with his rights and his dignity.
Review the application of Law 194: we intend to give effect to the part about "prevention" of L.194, with reference to Arts. 2:05 enshrining the role "prevention over abortion" of counseling in order to give effect to the defense of life from "conception" and not, in unequivocal terms, "the beginning" as it is today. Turn - in the spirit of the law - Consultants in the areas of support and direction to life and the voluntary interruption of pregnancy is not.
protection of the traditional family: Aware of the need to regulate private law relationships arising from various forms of de facto union, we want to reiterate our strong opposition to such formulas DICO and PACS, the investing public law as well as finances.
certainty of punishment-Review of Law and Gozzini reduction benefits of the law in relation to incarceration for those crimes that create public alarm, close monitoring of the enforcement of sentence, compulsory introduction of electronic bracelet to access rehabilitation programs social prisoners. No pardon for any new and / or amnesty
fight hard against both the micro (real plague endemic spread throughout our national territory) as against organized crime and racketeering by raising penalties now provided.
zero tolerance against smuggling of drugs - raising the penalty to life imprisonment for major drug dealers.
chemical castration for pedophiles - increased penalties for the crime of rape.
remove prostitution from the streets: Merlin abolish the law and at the same time strongly oppose the exploitation of prostitution by the crime.
the granting of the "work permit" the signing of bilateral agreements with the States of origin concerning the discount in the prisons of those countries the penalties for any crimes committed by immigrants in Italy. Fingerprinting and DNA for all non-EU foreigners applying for a residence permit more than 6 months of residence in the country. Complete mapping of the migratory phenomenon in Italy and block any suggestion of amnesty, more or less disguised.
Accommodation in camps without exception linked to demonstrate the possibility of keeping to themselves and their family.
Strengthening the social order through policies that recognize the armed forces and security forces (and more generally, to anyone working as a public official under its competencies), role, dignity and business possibilities with proper consideration of need for structure, logistics and personnel. Whereas housing that purpose and solving problems, taking appropriate wage policies and the work status, the reorganization and upgrading of careers, and the elimination of insecurity, both in the armed forces of order.
No more sheets as they become waste paper. Real and immediate expulsion by order of the Prefect of all the illegal immigrants running in Italy without a valid residence permit. Application of the crime of slavery against the smugglers.
Register of mosques and public register of the Imam. Construction of places of worship outside the assumptions concordat subject to the approval of the Ministry of Interior besides authorizing the Mayor and the introduction of the obligation by law to deliver sermons in Italian in order to prevent the fostering of fundamentalism religious. Ban on wearing the Islamic headscarf in schools and not to minors. No
to any reduction in the time necessary to obtain Italian citizenship.
No voting rights for residents of administrative non-citizens.
National priority in the allocation of accommodation and the school of all levels, from the nursery and kindergarten.
No to Turkey in the European Community.
Functional separation of careers between prosecutors and the judiciary prosecutor.
To avoid the present degeneration of the currents of the Judiciary, which shall remain as independent even from the "Caste" of politicized judges, we propose the election a ballot of members of the Superior Council of Magistracy among those who qualify.
Increase efficiency and speed of the particular course of justice is respect for what the prosecution always dutifully oriented criteria of "legal certainty-certainty of punishment" for what concerns the scandalous state is located in the " civil justice. " Complete the reform of the Code of Civil Procedure: streamlining of time defining the causes and forms of incentive for extra-judicial procedures. YOUNG WOMEN AND
extraordinary taxation of banks, insurance, stock options to managers and use the proceeds of the "bank seigniorage" in order to:
- to finance the "social mortgage" for the purchase of the dwelling;
- contribute to the payment of interest on loans at a subsidized rate of the first twenty years council house (built by public bodies) of young couples;
- support the creation of new businesses run by young people, including the testing of a period "no tax" for new business ventures and professional youth;
- exemption from tax of one third work for women to get equal pay between women and men.
We strongly support the introduction in Italy of the flat tax with a flat tax is not progressive, which was to replace the current personal income tax and IRES and is therefore valid for any type of income, with no distinction between individuals and companies. The dramatic situation of public finances does not allow us to propose its application of the flat tax on income of individuals, whose revenue in 2006 was 150 billion and 248 million euro, 34.8% of all taxes collected by all public administrations. The application of the flat tax on income of individuals, however, remains in the medium term our objective. We propose immediately start this virtuous path by applying the flat tax the income of legal persons
, whose revenue in 2006 was 35 billion and € 915 million, or 8, 3% of all taxes collected from all the PA. The percentage goal that we propose is to reach 20% in three years, reducing by 2.5% per year the current rate of 27.5%. We also plan, in order to reduce the number of "temporary workers, other benefits and incentives are structured so as not to set the case for" state aid "for companies that take a variable number of permanent workers.
decentralized bargaining to introduce the company through profit-sharing:
mandatory minimum wage for all types of work;
salary increases (according to the principle of participation) related to the productivity of the company and negotiated on the spot between the parties.
Other forms of tax incentives in view of the "participatory rate in profits."
Deduction of profits reinvested in research and training.
Introduction to social and environmental clauses to imports from countries that do not respect workers' rights and duties of Environmental Protection in relation to European standards resulting in increased taxation in order to protect Italian production from unfair competition de facto.
For small businesses, small businesses and retailers: acceleration of repayments of VAT to 60 days, to allow liquidity to the company, in addition, in order to avoid further penalties for those companies suffering liquidity problems due to ' defaulting customers suggest that the amount of VAT is due only after the actual collection of the invoice and the gradual and progressive abolition of IRAP, starting Irap on labor costs and losses. Review of automatic
underlying sectoral studies (which are particularly burdensome for young professionals) and are linked to the area and decided not only at central level.
Concerning the development of Italian La Destra-Fiamma Tricolore will be in a more purposeful and practical than the governments of the past, the forefront of a policy of defending the quality of Italian products, made in Italy, forcing through a international agreement to be reached in the WTO, the fight all'agropirateria damaging our world, especially in agriculture and its most famous product quality and for this propose the multi-functionality in agriculture through legislation that give farmers more concrete opportunities integration to their agricultural income. After the successful experience farm is to make it more practical and profitable, through appropriate legislation, the contribution of farmers to environmental protection.
Immediate reduction of VAT on tourism in order to encourage their development in both the domestic and the ability to attract new foreign tourists.
On the road to developing energy autonomy, the need to continue programs already in energy supply and to take initiatives to participate in European projects on nuclear power generation, we believe it is a duty of the state encouraging the emergence of a new sector-based industrial exploitation of renewable energies together and alongside the creation of a network of distributed micro-systems made of small, harmonized on the territory that the accountability and see the benefit of local communities
We are certain that the problem in Italy is to reduce excessive public expenditure without need for this cut the "social spending" that is already often less than that of other European countries. We want the proceeds of taxation are spent for the public and not for the "caste".
Therefore, we propose a serious fiscal federalism, because we want to know who pays taxes, region by region, and how the government used that money. Stop
naturally remain the protection of civil and social rights of all citizens, a serious tax reform that relieves the pressure on citizens and businesses, based on criteria of transparency and territoriality, it must be to identify the operational tasks and tasks of the state legislation, which will be some "exclusive" and other "competing" with the regions, which bear the responsibility of other laws. This is not "chaos", but the competition between regions to those who administer better, where the quality of life is better, which is attracting more investment and where there is more security and less thieves at large.
The operational tasks of the central government must be reduced and evaluated cost standard.
The tasks of the state will be funded by one of two national taxes.
The first is the "tax to pay for state services," the second national tax is the "solidarity fee". The pay all the proceeds go to a "common pot". We calculate the average GDP per capita national. The regions that are exceeding not receive anything. Those which generate a GDP per capita below the national average shares of cashing "fee for solidarity, provided that there is significant tax evasion and social security contributions
The calculation is not performed on the ratings, but based on "purchasing power".
Everything else, all other fees, are set and managed by the regions according to a principle of tax competition between regions to which it is deciding how to provide services to residents (citizens, businesses, associations, etc.). The tax burden will vary depending on the choices of the regional. DEAR LIFE TO FIGHT
Block gravazione automation of VAT on fuel duty in relation to fluctuations in the price of gasoline, setting limits be revised based upon the ISTAT and preventing the odious mechanism "tax on tax" that has contributed in just the past two years to increase by more 16centesimi the cost per gallon of unleaded gas.
Abolition the "canon Rai", a true charge unfair to the whole population.
block of price increases of electricity, gas and telephone for two years.
Enter the quotient based on total family income of families as the basic criterion for the tax, because of the presence of disabled and elderly dependent family members.
Construction of covenants agreed with the categories to reduce the tax levy to Italian companies and traders that will reduce the prices of basic necessities
intend to say in every home the principle that every Italian family has the right to property in your home, without subject to mechanisms of impoverishment of the family income through the arduous practice of entering into rent or mortgage classics that enrich only the banks and put at serious risk, as evidenced by the recent events, the future of hundreds of thousands of families.
not control the price through forms of rent that the housing crisis is resolved, but through the establishment of social Mutual, which are able to access those families who need housing and in which no member is the owner of property, through which buy public housing at cost price without going through banks.
The water is a primary nation and needs for our people, and as such we consider it of strategic interest of the state.
For this reason - and unlike other sectors - we believe is fair to consider water, its management, its distribution and sale to the consumer a "public good" worthy of the utmost protection by the state, regions and Local.
The interests of individuals in this area can not outweigh the public interest.
policies of privatization of water also must be fully revised in order to return to sales rates that do not penalize the consumer and at the same time protect this public good.
Public Companies that manage and distribute water to remain or must be converted back into a share of total public company, without any infiltration by individuals. All citizens-consumers will, in turn, members of the company. The "major shareholder" will be your local authorities, who will manage the company in the common interest.
We believe that - even creating a virtuous relationship between public health and private health sector, involving state and the regions - must be increased above the public health system: taking action to remove all bureaucratic scale, highly controlling unnecessary costs and removing Deficits in the system, but always keeping the center of the citizen-patient, ensuring in particular to the poor the opportunity to choose where and how to seek treatment, guaranteeing anyone who is not in the economic conditions for it to be treated privately and assisted in a manner quality and excellence. We believe it is necessary
a real revolution in health care that can not be based solely on criteria of privatization, but on the principle of subsidiarity must rely on the involvement of citizens organized an association to help, support, protect patients: in other words, all those extra-benefit of hospital patients, often ignored by the public system but appreciated by the people and necessary to the quality of life of patients.
Associations deserving to be identified, and they must be entrusted, through the conclusion of conventions, a piece of health and social support, not to speak of the usual contributions to the rain "crafty cooperatives 'or friends' friends: talk of meritocracy.
who works well in the interests of patients, and saves money to the State, should be identified, involved in decision-making and rewarded.
This is true in the field of health, such as aid to the needy and the elderly, the marginalized and the recovery of drug addicts: the "third sector, volunteer organizations, civil society organizations for the protection of those who have less are also pillars of the Right as being key to the building of a new welfare state.
With regard to the appointment of managers in the health sector we believe that it should be based solely on criteria of ability and merit and not by the odious principle of party nominations.
restore confidence in the faculty in schools of all levels, rewarding those who most deserve and commits itself, in order to gratify those who occupy a greater role DLIC well as teaching and improve school standards. If a slogan
lucky the past provided the 3 "i" in English, internet and business as key elements of an argument for modernizing the Italian school, we believe that now go instead focused on a fourth "i" to "Identity" which must proudly back into the school curriculum and that can not be destroyed by the culture of post-sessantottino that educate our children as individuals rootless, cosmopolitan, and without the knowledge of its history and its own memory (real basis on which to build success with their future ) without critical thinking skills in a standardized school that continues to deny the merit as a first and essential element of selection and advancement studies.
Identity: a fortiori, we reiterate our thinking at a time when more and more students are classmates of thousands of Italian immigrants and their children.
reiterate our absolute opposition to the teaching of the Koran or any other religion other than Catholic schools in the state and we believe it is due instead to introduce a requirement to study the culture and legal culture of our own country in order not to create pockets exclusion among students of different cultures and religions
propose the abolition of entrance test University: Criteria for the selection of "capable and deserving" must be primarily through the evaluation of the curriculum
All refunds or liabilities that the state (central and local government) has on both individuals and legal persons must be cleared no later than six months, and possibly also securities with the state. The measure affects such as all VAT refunds - income tax, corporate income tax and all those companies who work for the state, from hospitals to maintenance of roads.
Advisory opinion - and no longer binding - the Superintendent and the local authorities for all the works of great public interest and social.
Construct all public works necessary to maintain Italy to European levels, the High Speed, ports, roads and highways. If you do not make all the necessary infrastructure Italy will soon be out of European and international markets.
With particular reference to Southern Italy: It is our belief that a South renovated, self-development skills, able to finally find a proper vocation for growth all over Italy will derive immense benefits. Issue of the North and the Southern question are resolved together, the ability to give answers to practical issues: two-speed in an Italy globalized world economy is not going anywhere, it is only a train that derailed. For this reason we believe that the South needs special attention in the realization of all those public works that may be useful to its rebirth. From the water supply for agriculture to the development of tourism infrastructure, the attention to the respect of the territory until the conversion of the old and now disused mega-industrial centers.
Environment for us is above all a common good to preserve, protect, defend and support, but is also an opportunity for a country like Italy, among the richest in the world in terms of heritage environment and culture, a new opportunity for development.
In this sense, the right-Fiamma Tricolore considers that it should create a policy environment that can coexist in a synergistic way to the protection of nature and human activities.
Faced with the destruction of waste in the Campania region of which we consider responsible for the local governments of the center-left is the duty of the State to legislate to reduce a mountain of waste, encourage recycling and reuse of materials through the dissemination throughout the National recycling and creating a truly integrated industrial cycle, proceed to the implementation of energy plants.
Specifically we will bell the situation to return to the citizens of Tarsu now paid for a service not rendered.
Management Areas protected for us to be situated with a view to developing an environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly, the hunting should be supported in its value associations, cultural and traditional and to this end we require the review of Law 157/92, in a path harmonization with European legislation and the transposition of Directives 79/409/EEC (birds) and 92/43/EEC (habitat) in respect of specific nature and tradition.
The Italian right wing wants a real and efficient reform of the state.
the first place we put the establishment of the Presidential Republic, only a President elected by the people at the same time can guarantee the stability of the institutions and governance and most people's democratic participation in government decisions. Together with the Republic Presidential
the Right believes in the goodness of the federal regions and local authorities based on dl principle of "subsidiarity"
A serious policy reform against the logic of caste need legal recognition and enforcement of parties' art.49 of the Constitution.
In the fight against the waste of the right building is proposed to abolish all institutions radically useless now extant. We also want to reduce by law all elected assemblies up to half the current number of components.
The relationship between elected and electors is believed to be duty to reinstate the preference for the election of members of the Italian Parliament as is the case for those elected to Parliament and the various regional councils. Along with the reintroduction of choice by voters of their representatives the right wants to introduce some criteria to reduce spending on election campaigns.
The huge bureaucracy and inefficiency of large sectors of public service that oppress daily Italians are not the responsibility of civil servants, but "the evils of the system" that should be treated with determination through the reduction of the many laws that encumbers the relationship between citizen and PA and simultaneously introducing real criteria of meritocracy in all levels of public employment policies besides a careful reduction of the real waste.
We propose the electoral program of the right hand, for the next election. It 'a document that looks at, first, to the real needs of the community, starting from our reference values: the sanctity of life and protect the traditional family.
We aim to be a serious response to the specific needs of the citizen (from the house to question the way in which deal with the rising cost of living), but also a true answer to the programs photocopy, full of anything fielded by the PD and PDL.

THE RIGHT - Fiamma Tricolore
elections of 13-14 April 2008
political movements "The Right" and "Fiamma Tricolore" have decided to pool their forces, their symbols and their stories to a single candidate list and a common program in the general election next April.
"La Destra-Fiamma Tricolore" is a candidate to lead Italy in the next Legislature aware of the historical necessity for the Italian people to continue to have representatives in the top institutions in the history of social and Right national, political and cultural life, who know how to pass on values \u200b\u200band principles in this transition was difficult and, without falling into the trap of those who, expressing a single thought, in economics as in politics, only makes a tragic mistake. We believe that simplification of the political, governance and growth of our country do not live at all in reducing the political spectrum to only two people who tend to look more to our people by offering only the poor idea of \u200b\u200balternation of oligarchies and that of a credible alternative to the positive resolution of many, too many problems that still afflict our country.
values \u200b\u200band principles that We motivate and unite us in this common struggle to qualify in:
conceive freedom as a first concrete exercise of rights - the individual, communities and peoples - in co-existence of the scale of the Sacred and the Beautiful, individual choices with the policies for the family as the basic cell of the larger body of social policy for the people, the people and not for power, identifying the most suitable languages \u200b\u200band tools to re-build a political dialogue for decades disappeared;
promote freedom and dialogue among religions without adding fuel to the fire of the clash of civilizations, averting the risk of a loss of deep values \u200b\u200bof our civilization - that is Roman and Christian, and has its roots in natural law - in the name of that secularist relativism, nihilistic last ram degradation;
think of a new state, no longer abstract contract between atomized individuals but the pact between the generations, those past and those to come, an estate of intermediate bodies, communities and local governments, the business system and people, a state capable of curbing the power of anonymous and faceless large power plants and financial corporations, the supranational powers and lack of political legitimacy democratic States are able to say that politics - whether that wants to be - can not be reduced solely to the rank of curator of bankruptcy administration, a state that promotes a culture of legality and provide citizens with quick and efficient justice at last;
counter the idea that the materialist sees the job only because of its economic function, is also aware that the work and above all creation, art, culture and is rooted deeply in the places and communities in which it is expressed;
restore the person, the worker at the center of economic and productive, aware that the product is still and always the result of human work and can not ever have the same human dignity that has worked and produced, and that this should be encouraged for all models that tend to forms of worker participation in the capital 's business;
escape the idea that life could be reduced to the market, new form of idolatry that characterized the followers of that ideology marketism that is spreading and is the aberrant synthesis of the worst conditions of mechanism with the substrate Marxist background of certain materialistic liberalism;
strongly promote the broad participation of women in political life and the world of work not only through the legitimate assertion of the rights of women, but especially through a renewed appreciation of authentically feminine values \u200b\u200bfor which the woman is understood as the heritage of the founding of the company and its role in the civil, cultural, institutional and driving force of the family live
national identity and membership as a mission, overcoming the defeated and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decline in respect of the many local identities of many small countries that they all contribute to fully define, together and alongside the European dream, the Mediterranean and the natural ambition of a universal vocation that has its foundations in our early history;
think, in the face of migration and the need for support in the western world must take charge, the construction of a model anti-xenophobic, far from being multicultural, shuns the false idea of easy integration of duties unrelated to the culture, who can choose who to offer accommodation for easy coexistence of cultures and that, over time, unassuming material may come to develop a model of identity enriched, on the assumption of the existence of a given and cultural anthropology, earth-bound, culture and history, from which one can not ignore - the identity - which is not stated in denying the other's identity but as a prerequisite of relationship and respect for us, and at the same time think of cooperation policies to help the neediest populations to remain in their own countries and avoid the depletion load and a displacement of anxieties.
Based on these principles that unite us, we have to offer our people the choice based on the commitments of this program that unites us and that all our candidates to the Parliament undertake to respect - and not to betray - in the next legislature.
For us life is sacred. Without doubt or hesitation. At the heart of our proposed policy there is a person from conception to death, with his rights and his dignity.
Review the application of Law 194: we intend to give effect to the part about "prevention" of L.194, with reference to Arts. 2:05 enshrining the role "prevention over abortion" of counseling in order to give effect to the defense of life from "conception" and not, in unequivocal terms, "the beginning" as it is today. Turn - in the spirit of the law - Consultants in the areas of support and direction to life and the voluntary interruption of pregnancy is not.
protection of the traditional family: Aware of the need to regulate private law relationships arising from various forms of de facto union, we want to reiterate our strong opposition to such formulas DICO and PACS, the investing public law as well as finances.
certainty of punishment-Review of Law and Gozzini reduction benefits of the law in relation to incarceration for those crimes that create public alarm, close monitoring of the enforcement of sentence, compulsory introduction of electronic bracelet to access rehabilitation programs social prisoners. No pardon for any new and / or amnesty
fight hard against both the micro (real plague endemic spread throughout our national territory) as against organized crime and racketeering by raising penalties now provided.
zero tolerance against smuggling of drugs - raising the penalty to life imprisonment for major drug dealers.
chemical castration for pedophiles - increased penalties for the crime of rape.
remove prostitution from the streets: Merlin abolish the law and at the same time strongly oppose the exploitation of prostitution by the crime.
the granting of the "work permit" the signing of bilateral agreements with the States of origin concerning the discount in the prisons of those countries the penalties for any crimes committed by immigrants in Italy. Fingerprinting and DNA for all non-EU foreigners applying for a residence permit more than 6 months of residence in the country. Complete mapping of the migratory phenomenon in Italy and block any suggestion of amnesty, more or less disguised.
Accommodation in camps without exception linked to demonstrate the possibility of keeping to themselves and their family.
Strengthening the social order through policies that recognize the armed forces and security forces (and more generally, to anyone working as a public official under its competencies), role, dignity and business possibilities with proper consideration of need for structure, logistics and personnel. Whereas housing that purpose and solving problems, taking appropriate wage policies and the work status, the reorganization and upgrading of careers, and the elimination of insecurity, both in the armed forces of order.
No more sheets as they become waste paper. Real and immediate expulsion by order of the Prefect of all the illegal immigrants running in Italy without a valid residence permit. Application of the crime of slavery against the smugglers.
Register of mosques and public register of the Imam. Construction of places of worship outside the assumptions concordat subject to the approval of the Ministry of Interior besides authorizing the Mayor and the introduction of the obligation by law to deliver sermons in Italian in order to prevent the fostering of fundamentalism religious. Ban on wearing the Islamic headscarf in schools and not to minors. No
to any reduction in the time necessary to obtain Italian citizenship.
No voting rights for residents of administrative non-citizens.
National priority in the allocation of accommodation and the school of all levels, from the nursery and kindergarten.
No to Turkey in the European Community.
Functional separation of careers between prosecutors and the judiciary prosecutor.
To avoid the present degeneration of the currents of the Judiciary, which shall remain as independent even from the "Caste" of politicized judges, we propose the election a ballot of members of the Superior Council of Magistracy among those who qualify.
Increase efficiency and speed of the particular course of justice is respect for what the prosecution always dutifully oriented criteria of "legal certainty-certainty of punishment" for what concerns the scandalous state is located in the " civil justice. " Complete the reform of the Code of Civil Procedure: streamlining of time defining the causes and forms of incentive for extra-judicial procedures. YOUNG WOMEN AND
extraordinary taxation of banks, insurance, stock options to managers and use the proceeds of the "bank seigniorage" in order to:
- to finance the "social mortgage" for the purchase of the dwelling;
- contribute to the payment of interest on loans at a subsidized rate of the first twenty years council house (built by public bodies) of young couples;
- support the creation of new businesses run by young people, including the testing of a period "no tax" for new business ventures and professional youth;
- exemption from tax of one third work for women to get equal pay between women and men.
We strongly support the introduction in Italy of the flat tax with a flat tax is not progressive, which was to replace the current personal income tax and IRES and is therefore valid for any type of income, with no distinction between individuals and companies. The dramatic situation of public finances does not allow us to propose its application of the flat tax on income of individuals, whose revenue in 2006 was 150 billion and 248 million euro, 34.8% of all taxes collected by all public administrations. The application of the flat tax on income of individuals, however, remains in the medium term our objective. We propose immediately start this virtuous path by applying the flat tax the income of legal persons
, whose revenue in 2006 was 35 billion and € 915 million, or 8, 3% of all taxes collected from all the PA. The percentage goal that we propose is to reach 20% in three years, reducing by 2.5% per year the current rate of 27.5%. We also plan, in order to reduce the number of "temporary workers, other benefits and incentives are structured so as not to set the case for" state aid "for companies that take a variable number of permanent workers.
decentralized bargaining to introduce the company through profit-sharing:
mandatory minimum wage for all types of work;
salary increases (according to the principle of participation) related to the productivity of the company and negotiated on the spot between the parties.
Other forms of tax incentives in view of the "participatory rate in profits."
Deduction of profits reinvested in research and training.
Introduction to social and environmental clauses to imports from countries that do not respect workers' rights and duties of Environmental Protection in relation to European standards resulting in increased taxation in order to protect Italian production from unfair competition de facto.
For small businesses, small businesses and retailers: acceleration of repayments of VAT to 60 days, to allow liquidity to the company, in addition, in order to avoid further penalties for those companies suffering liquidity problems due to ' defaulting customers suggest that the amount of VAT is due only after the actual collection of the invoice and the gradual and progressive abolition of IRAP, starting Irap on labor costs and losses. Review of automatic
underlying sectoral studies (which are particularly burdensome for young professionals) and are linked to the area and decided not only at central level.
Concerning the development of Italian La Destra-Fiamma Tricolore will be in a more purposeful and practical than the governments of the past, the forefront of a policy of defending the quality of Italian products, made in Italy, forcing through a international agreement to be reached in the WTO, the fight all'agropirateria damaging our world, especially in agriculture and its most famous product quality and for this propose the multi-functionality in agriculture through legislation that give farmers more concrete opportunities integration to their agricultural income. After the successful experience farm is to make it more practical and profitable, through appropriate legislation, the contribution of farmers to environmental protection.
Immediate reduction of VAT on tourism in order to encourage their development in both the domestic and the ability to attract new foreign tourists.
On the road to developing energy autonomy, the need to continue programs already in energy supply and to take initiatives to participate in European projects on nuclear power generation, we believe it is a duty of the state encouraging the emergence of a new sector-based industrial exploitation of renewable energies together and alongside the creation of a network of distributed micro-systems made of small, harmonized on the territory that the accountability and see the benefit of local communities
We are certain that the problem in Italy is to reduce excessive public expenditure without need for this cut the "social spending" that is already often less than that of other European countries. We want the proceeds of taxation are spent for the public and not for the "caste".
Therefore, we propose a serious fiscal federalism, because we want to know who pays taxes, region by region, and how the government used that money. Stop
naturally remain the protection of civil and social rights of all citizens, a serious tax reform that relieves the pressure on citizens and businesses, based on criteria of transparency and territoriality, it must be to identify the operational tasks and tasks of the state legislation, which will be some "exclusive" and other "competing" with the regions, which bear the responsibility of other laws. This is not "chaos", but the competition between regions to those who administer better, where the quality of life is better, which is attracting more investment and where there is more security and less thieves at large.
The operational tasks of the central government must be reduced and evaluated cost standard.
The tasks of the state will be funded by one of two national taxes.
The first is the "tax to pay for state services," the second national tax is the "solidarity fee". The pay all the proceeds go to a "common pot". We calculate the average GDP per capita national. The regions that are exceeding not receive anything. Those which generate a GDP per capita below the national average shares of cashing "fee for solidarity, provided that there is significant tax evasion and social security contributions
The calculation is not performed on the ratings, but based on "purchasing power".
Everything else, all other fees, are set and managed by the regions according to a principle of tax competition between regions to which it is deciding how to provide services to residents (citizens, businesses, associations, etc.). The tax burden will vary depending on the choices of the regional. DEAR LIFE TO FIGHT
Block gravazione automation of VAT on fuel duty in relation to fluctuations in the price of gasoline, setting limits be revised based upon the ISTAT and preventing the odious mechanism "tax on tax" that has contributed in just the past two years to increase by more 16centesimi the cost per gallon of unleaded gas.
Abolition the "canon Rai", a true charge unfair to the whole population.
block of price increases of electricity, gas and telephone for two years.
Enter the quotient based on total family income of families as the basic criterion for the tax, because of the presence of disabled and elderly dependent family members.
Construction of covenants agreed with the categories to reduce the tax levy to Italian companies and traders that will reduce the prices of basic necessities
intend to say in every home the principle that every Italian family has the right to property in your home, without subject to mechanisms of impoverishment of the family income through the arduous practice of entering into rent or mortgage classics that enrich only the banks and put at serious risk, as evidenced by the recent events, the future of hundreds of thousands of families.
not control the price through forms of rent that the housing crisis is resolved, but through the establishment of social Mutual, which are able to access those families who need housing and in which no member is the owner of property, through which buy public housing at cost price without going through banks.
The water is a primary nation and needs for our people, and as such we consider it of strategic interest of the state.
For this reason - and unlike other sectors - we believe is fair to consider water, its management, its distribution and sale to the consumer a "public good" worthy of the utmost protection by the state, regions and Local.
The interests of individuals in this area can not outweigh the public interest.
policies of privatization of water also must be fully revised in order to return to sales rates that do not penalize the consumer and at the same time protect this public good.
Public Companies that manage and distribute water to remain or must be converted back into a share of total public company, without any infiltration by individuals. All citizens-consumers will, in turn, members of the company. The "major shareholder" will be your local authorities, who will manage the company in the common interest.
We believe that - even creating a virtuous relationship between public health and private health sector, involving state and the regions - must be increased above the public health system: taking action to remove all bureaucratic scale, highly controlling unnecessary costs and removing Deficits in the system, but always keeping the center of the citizen-patient, ensuring in particular to the poor the opportunity to choose where and how to seek treatment, guaranteeing anyone who is not in the economic conditions for it to be treated privately and assisted in a manner quality and excellence. We believe it is necessary
a real revolution in health care that can not be based solely on criteria of privatization, but on the principle of subsidiarity must rely on the involvement of citizens organized an association to help, support, protect patients: in other words, all those extra-benefit of hospital patients, often ignored by the public system but appreciated by the people and necessary to the quality of life of patients.
Associations deserving to be identified, and they must be entrusted, through the conclusion of conventions, a piece of health and social support, not to speak of the usual contributions to the rain "crafty cooperatives 'or friends' friends: talk of meritocracy.
who works well in the interests of patients, and saves money to the State, should be identified, involved in decision-making and rewarded.
This is true in the field of health, such as aid to the needy and the elderly, the marginalized and the recovery of drug addicts: the "third sector, volunteer organizations, civil society organizations for the protection of those who have less are also pillars of the Right as being key to the building of a new welfare state.
With regard to the appointment of managers in the health sector we believe that it should be based solely on criteria of ability and merit and not by the odious principle of party nominations.
restore confidence in the faculty in schools of all levels, rewarding those who most deserve and commits itself, in order to gratify those who occupy a greater role DLIC well as teaching and improve school standards. If a slogan
lucky the past provided the 3 "i" in English, internet and business as key elements of an argument for modernizing the Italian school, we believe that now go instead focused on a fourth "i" to "Identity" which must proudly back into the school curriculum and that can not be destroyed by the culture of post-sessantottino that educate our children as individuals rootless, cosmopolitan, and without the knowledge of its history and its own memory (real basis on which to build success with their future ) without critical thinking skills in a standardized school that continues to deny the merit as a first and essential element of selection and advancement studies.
Identity: a fortiori, we reiterate our thinking at a time when more and more students are classmates of thousands of Italian immigrants and their children.
reiterate our absolute opposition to the teaching of the Koran or any other religion other than Catholic schools in the state and we believe it is due instead to introduce a requirement to study the culture and legal culture of our own country in order not to create pockets exclusion among students of different cultures and religions
propose the abolition of entrance test University: Criteria for the selection of "capable and deserving" must be primarily through the evaluation of the curriculum
All refunds or liabilities that the state (central and local government) has on both individuals and legal persons must be cleared no later than six months, and possibly also securities with the state. The measure affects such as all VAT refunds - income tax, corporate income tax and all those companies who work for the state, from hospitals to maintenance of roads.
Advisory opinion - and no longer binding - the Superintendent and the local authorities for all the works of great public interest and social.
Construct all public works necessary to maintain Italy to European levels, the High Speed, ports, roads and highways. If you do not make all the necessary infrastructure Italy will soon be out of European and international markets.
With particular reference to Southern Italy: It is our belief that a South renovated, self-development skills, able to finally find a proper vocation for growth all over Italy will derive immense benefits. Issue of the North and the Southern question are resolved together, the ability to give answers to practical issues: two-speed in an Italy globalized world economy is not going anywhere, it is only a train that derailed. For this reason we believe that the South needs special attention in the realization of all those public works that may be useful to its rebirth. From the water supply for agriculture to the development of tourism infrastructure, the attention to the respect of the territory until the conversion of the old and now disused mega-industrial centers.
Environment for us is above all a common good to preserve, protect, defend and support, but is also an opportunity for a country like Italy, among the richest in the world in terms of heritage environment and culture, a new opportunity for development.
In this sense, the right-Fiamma Tricolore considers that it should create a policy environment that can coexist in a synergistic way to the protection of nature and human activities.
Faced with the destruction of waste in the Campania region of which we consider responsible for the local governments of the center-left is the duty of the State to legislate to reduce a mountain of waste, encourage recycling and reuse of materials through the dissemination throughout the National recycling and creating a truly integrated industrial cycle, proceed to the implementation of energy plants.
Specifically we will bell the situation to return to the citizens of Tarsu now paid for a service not rendered.
Management Areas protected for us to be situated with a view to developing an environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly, the hunting should be supported in its value associations, cultural and traditional and to this end we require the review of Law 157/92, in a path harmonization with European legislation and the transposition of Directives 79/409/EEC (birds) and 92/43/EEC (habitat) in respect of specific nature and tradition.
The Italian right wing wants a real and efficient reform of the state.
the first place we put the establishment of the Presidential Republic, only a President elected by the people at the same time can guarantee the stability of the institutions and governance and most people's democratic participation in government decisions. Together with the Republic Presidential
the Right believes in the goodness of the federal regions and local authorities based on dl principle of "subsidiarity"
A serious policy reform against the logic of caste need legal recognition and enforcement of parties' art.49 of the Constitution.
In the fight against the waste of the right building is proposed to abolish all institutions radically useless now extant. We also want to reduce by law all elected assemblies up to half the current number of components.
The relationship between elected and electors is believed to be duty to reinstate the preference for the election of members of the Italian Parliament as is the case for those elected to Parliament and the various regional councils. Along with the reintroduction of choice by voters of their representatives the right wants to introduce some criteria to reduce spending on election campaigns.
The huge bureaucracy and inefficiency of large sectors of public service that oppress daily Italians are not the responsibility of civil servants, but "the evils of the system" that should be treated with determination through the reduction of the many laws that encumbers the relationship between citizen and PA and simultaneously introducing real criteria of meritocracy in all levels of public employment policies besides a careful reduction of the real waste.
We propose the electoral program of the right hand, for the next election. It 'a document that looks at, first, to the real needs of the community, starting from our reference values: the sanctity of life and protect the traditional family.
We aim to be a serious response to the specific needs of the citizen (from the house to question the way in which deal with the rising cost of living), but also a true answer to the programs photocopy, full of anything fielded by the PD and PDL.
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