In the Regional Council there was an unusual convergence between the right and the Communist PRC on the issue of Mutual Association. In fact, The Right abstained on the three-year plan proposed building Stufara the Councillor of the PRC as the director has said that it will take into account and will continue in the proposal submitted by the Regional Council of La Tracchegiani on the Right Mortgage Association; to clear ' abstention de La Destra followed strong controversy from all over the PDL, which continues to follow exclusively logical partitocratiche. The three-year plan was worthy of consideration but also because the same is contained a provision which will be distributed among the Italian immigrants and public housing according to the size of the population and just 7% for the former and 93% for the latter and not as before when the public housing were allocated almost entirely to the detriment of immigrants in an exaggerated way the Italians.
Todi is strongly affected by this situation because it was the first municipality where the proposal earlier this year by the Mutual Social Fiamma Tricolore was implemented by the Administration and I think that in Todi (I apologize in advance if I'm wrong) Fiamma Tricolore no longer exists, but is that the City Council CasaPound Italy Epifani certainly think like us on this issue of the right hand, which is among the most important for our families. I therefore call on everyone, including local council, to take note of what happened in the Regional Council and strongly ripromuovere and revitalize the necessary actions so that we can move forward on this initiative. It 's time to move on energy issues typically close to the social classes most needy in the City Right is not represented, but we hope that the Board Epifani, although not part of our political force, but certainly having units of intent with us on this issue, will hear his voice. Since what interests us is the good of our community, we have referred to those who are not our member, but instead we turn to him to advance common ideals and I am referring to both the Council Epifani that all members of the many guided CasaPound Todi by Andrea Nulli. As the Regional Councillor Stufara belongs to the same political force Councillor Goats, I also turn to it because you do not pull back or is indifferent to the battle that is intended to benefit those who really need and against the interests of bank lobbies and builders. I'm not ashamed to make this appeal to the Board Goats because even fully approve of its mobilization for the Hospital of Todi, indeed I think it is a mobilization late (until now it was not noticed?), but it certainly has been the only voice that has forced the Administration to take some steps, hopefully not just a facade. By the majority of the directors of the only response was "not our fault, but from the past" (and this is true, but does not justify this laxity), while those from the opposition was "not true, it's all under control. " I hope that everybody wants the good of Todi and therefore the appropriate fora for a return to do some 'policy addressing these serious problems, let alone sterile diatribes and no content, which was the case in recent months. Make fewer openings and ceremonies on the one hand, and then less obstruction, with opposition at last seriously and constructively, on the other side and think that those who really need it wants to conduct practical, mundane and less serious by those who voted, do it at least now in honor of the new common ideal (certainly with the exception of Councillor Epifani) you have in common, anti-fascism. Gianluca
Spokesman of The Right Todi
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Piriformis And Pregnancy
Galeano Perhaps he was right, the world is upside down, of course upside down c 'is Italy. I'm always afraid when approaching important dates in the history of our country, because it is at these times that we are forced to listen to the most absurd things. Every April 25 I fear for the statements on the release, as well as every September 8 for the shit on the sense of nation. Punctually on 8 September, we had to acknowledge first that the Russian minister defense, and that in itself would be enough, but we had to attend al'ennesimo destruction of the already devastated national sentiment. Fiorello imitates what gave a speech at Porta San Paolo, the symbol of resistance to Roman, a rare moment of heroism of soldiers and people, united to resist the invader German, before the king rogue fled from Rome, and selling the capital a mere safe conduct for him and his ridiculous court. The imitator of Fiorello right there, had the courage to say that even those who fought for the Social Republic of Salo has defended the nation. Only a mentally ill person could say such a thing, since the RSI was allied with Germany, then one of two things, or Russia is crazy, or considered as the Anglo American invaders and then you open up an interesting debate. On that occasion, FOSE only that, everyone agrees that the Germans and the Anglo-American invaders as liberators. Italy is thus a defense minister on the anniversary of one of the darkest pages in the Italian population because the German invader, praises those who fought alongside quell'invasore. He's so big that it has been disgraced in the space of 10 minutes by Napolitano who pointed out that not all fighters are equal. But imagine if the imitator of Fiorello he realized that he was reprimanded. The unfortunate The exit comes after the Russian declaration of Alemanno on Fascism, according to the mayor of Rome - even I did not used to - the racial laws of 38 are pure evil and fascism not. So, first of all I would like to tell us sti fascists once and the category of "absolute evil" so we know the rule, since every time they pull it off, then I'd like to ask this gentleman, who did this evil absolute, not rained from the sky are the racial laws. Those laws were made by a regime that soon after taking power, because usually the king slob, canceled the opposition, both from a political point of view and physical - Matteotti- has canceled the parliamentary institutions and concentrated power in the hands of Mussolini. It is useful to recall the contribution of repression and fascist forces in the capture of Jews deported, the concentration camp of San Saba Rice Mill and their role nell'eccidio Fosse Ardeatine to name just a few examples.
Unfortunately, the clash of ignorant continued, not so much to shed light on one of the saddest periods in Italian history, or a healthy comparison between different historical thesis, no, here we are playing the lead. The fascist and moderate what he wants to take over Berlusconi and what they want to be the leader of the right. Alemanno, Instead of thinking in Rome, which is not exactly easy to administer, he launches into dangerous analysis, unconscious to show more and more ignorant and ridiculous. A few days ago you agreed with Fini, which has the thought and then said: "I am antfascista but also anti-communist and I really want to be put together to anti-anti-communism in the Constitution as well." What do you mean the one so? A terrible jumping 20 years for Italy and Italians, who tells him that Communism in Italy there has never been and will not capiscce why you should put a thing in the Constitution. So why do not we put that against the Vikings, the cheese cake and the color orange? These are talemnte ignorant that it is difficult to initiate an interaction.
I understand ignorance, did not even open a book, but because then we launched into these discussions with the historical risk of saying nonsense? Unfortunately, I know the answer, these gentlemen are convinced that the Italians are not aware of anything, especially now that started the football league.
Galeano's right, the world is upside down.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Gm/l Remote Programing
I would not be boring to work on a topic now anachronistic and that as the sources from which it springs, has no political content, the Speaker of the House Fini, always and exclusively for his personal ambitions, said the last over fascism, the movement by inviting the young heir of the Youth Front, of which He was national president, to recognize the values \u200b\u200bof anti. It is possible that you have forgotten where it came from and who brought him to the post they hold (the MSI and Giorgio Almirante in the first place and all the young people who have sacrificed their lives fighting with when he was a youth activist and del1970 dolphin Almirante) and therefore can not be regarded as shameful what he said. I was born in 1961 and then for personal reasons I can not be labeled as either fascist or fascism as, I know only to believe in democracy (even if the current one does not seem to own a true democracy after the abolition of preferences for the choice of their representatives in Parliament and the goal to kill the parties Smaller trying to bring them back to power under two masters, PDL and PD), without refer back to the ideals of anti. the positive and negative has been from both sides, I have entered the Faculty of Economics in 1979 and studied law almost exclusively (for the first Civil Code and the Banking Act), most of them still in force promulgated in the thirties and bearing the signature Mussolini (just take any Civil Code today and there is the signature of Mussolini and the Keeper of Department), I discovered that the first workers' rights and working women have been increasingly recognized in those years with the creation of INPS , 's Inail and almost all social security and welfare, and then Fascism was not the Absolute Evil is just fine as it is today defines it. On September 8, 1943 was a date on which the Italians were divided believing everyone to be on the right in the interests of their country and therefore deserve respect both (the dregs, as always, was present in both sides, the acknowledged for the first Violante, and many writers objectives of the left begin to say, see the books of Pansa). I have no historical memory of that time because nobody in the family found itself in the option of going with CSR or Partisans (my father for six years, including 1943, was a prisoner in the Soviet concentration camps as an officer of the Italian army regular and therefore has not even been afforded the opportunity to choose, when he came back everything was over with the good on one side and the bad part, even in America the bad guys are always and only because the Indians were defeated) .
The only people "from the bad guys" with whom I could talk about that period were Aldo Chinea and Mario Castellacci and they told me of an episode from the amazing humanity of both parties, although in a climate of civil war. I can not understand how they can stay in AN is the so-called Colonels (surely a matter of seats, but will always decreasing with the merger in the PDL) and especially the activists who always fought on the front line for their ideals. I want to end up with a provocative joke, is not the case back to abut Largo Mario Castellacci to someone else, necessarily fascist, Kindly? Moreover Mario Castellacci has not denied until the last to have chosen the path of the Italian Social Republic and has always prided itself, while recognizing, by a person who was intelligent, limitations and defects, and therefore may be inappropriate for this header place names in the town of Todi, where the Mayor is of the same political party of Fini. Gianluca
Alvi - Spokesman of Todi de La Destra

I would not be boring to work on a topic now anachronistic and that as the sources from which it springs, has no political content, the Speaker of the House Fini, always and exclusively for his personal ambitions, said the last over fascism, the movement by inviting the young heir of the Youth Front, of which He was national president, to recognize the values \u200b\u200bof anti. It is possible that you have forgotten where it came from and who brought him to the post they hold (the MSI and Giorgio Almirante in the first place and all the young people who have sacrificed their lives fighting with when he was a youth activist and del1970 dolphin Almirante) and therefore can not be regarded as shameful what he said. I was born in 1961 and then for personal reasons I can not be labeled as either fascist or fascism as, I know only to believe in democracy (even if the current one does not seem to own a true democracy after the abolition of preferences for the choice of their representatives in Parliament and the goal to kill the parties Smaller trying to bring them back to power under two masters, PDL and PD), without refer back to the ideals of anti. the positive and negative has been from both sides, I have entered the Faculty of Economics in 1979 and studied law almost exclusively (for the first Civil Code and the Banking Act), most of them still in force promulgated in the thirties and bearing the signature Mussolini (just take any Civil Code today and there is the signature of Mussolini and the Keeper of Department), I discovered that the first workers' rights and working women have been increasingly recognized in those years with the creation of INPS , 's Inail and almost all social security and welfare, and then Fascism was not the Absolute Evil is just fine as it is today defines it. On September 8, 1943 was a date on which the Italians were divided believing everyone to be on the right in the interests of their country and therefore deserve respect both (the dregs, as always, was present in both sides, the acknowledged for the first Violante, and many writers objectives of the left begin to say, see the books of Pansa). I have no historical memory of that time because nobody in the family found itself in the option of going with CSR or Partisans (my father for six years, including 1943, was a prisoner in the Soviet concentration camps as an officer of the Italian army regular and therefore has not even been afforded the opportunity to choose, when he came back everything was over with the good on one side and the bad part, even in America the bad guys are always and only because the Indians were defeated) .
The only people "from the bad guys" with whom I could talk about that period were Aldo Chinea and Mario Castellacci and they told me of an episode from the amazing humanity of both parties, although in a climate of civil war. I can not understand how they can stay in AN is the so-called Colonels (surely a matter of seats, but will always decreasing with the merger in the PDL) and especially the activists who always fought on the front line for their ideals. I want to end up with a provocative joke, is not the case back to abut Largo Mario Castellacci to someone else, necessarily fascist, Kindly? Moreover Mario Castellacci has not denied until the last to have chosen the path of the Italian Social Republic and has always prided itself, while recognizing, by a person who was intelligent, limitations and defects, and therefore may be inappropriate for this header place names in the town of Todi, where the Mayor is of the same political party of Fini. Gianluca
Alvi - Spokesman of Todi de La Destra
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