Friday, October 31, 2008
Formula Of Thodolight
Maybe I'm stoned, but what happened to Piazza Navona a few days ago had already happened before. The story is this: there was once a happy and peaceful demonstration olds happy to walk through the center of Rome, at some point come the fascists, always armed police, who sneak in as the cockroaches the event and are already beginning to lift the tension, then take clubs and sticks that the police had allowed him to take to the streets even with a pickup truck so they will not sweat and begin to attack the peaceful protest and kids there to experience the thrill of the first employment. At that point come the academics on the left to try to protect kids and give the right wake-up to the usual brave fascists, but of course one can not arrive on time and police intervention. It 's a scenario seen dozens of times and perfectly defined by the former President Cossiga, you want more?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
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Monday, October 20, 2008
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Friday, October 17, 2008
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fully agree with what I consider the Councillor Mario Ciani expressed about issues relating to breaches of the Stability Pact, as always, who until recently managed the current Administration on himself for his sins. This is typical behavior of the Left Todi but I think that the Councillor exhaustive explanations have fully explained how things really are, showing its expertise with the usual manipulations of the opposition incompetent council.
One sign on the advanced budget and I do not know the details since I apologize if there are issues which are not aware that they preclude in my opinion thereon; intervention Councillor learn that in 2007 there was a considerable surplus of directors and I do not consider this "rewarding". The City of Todi has always had high surpluses of directors, at least from what I remember from my first appearance in the City Council and exactly since 1994, when logically the committees were all left and I hope that with the "development scheme 'of the Current Directors will cease to have surpluses because the City should not be an investor but a provider of services to citizens and high surpluses are generally motivated by services that may be granted in a more detailed and extensive or excessive tax burdens or excessive fees for the services imposed on citizens. The items on the externalization of the Councillor
Pharmacy bother me much and I hope that eventually negatively evaluate this hypothesis, both management and much less for sale. There are reasons that necessitate such a measure because the pharmacy is perhaps the only communal activity that can close its budget with a profit, if it does happen, it would mean that there would be huge mistakes in its management and administration in the past the left has managed to do that too, do not adequately controlling what was happening inside. The municipal pharmacy provides a service too important for the city and then invite the Councillor to assess possible improvements in its services rather than outsourcing it. Already we see how much inconvenience they create the external management, the type of water service, outsourced and from the left which already in ancient times had been a staunch opponent. My political views are logically similar to those of the assessor, but on the issue of privatization are right away: the desire to privatize and outsource, also ridden by most of the Left, is inadequate, especially with companies like those of a small town like ours, and can only cause inconvenience to its citizens, I repeat, the important thing is to ensure management and be able to maximize the net profit from operating the pharmacy because finding a pharmacy that does not earn you an impossible task. Gianluca
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What's A Flat Floor Plans
This is the text of the last letter written by Prof. Adolfo Parmalina, before jumping from the viaduct Messina-Palermo on October 2 last year. A witness, again, that Italy is a country failed, hopeless.
The Judiciary Barcelona / Messina would like to put in the pillory would humiliate me, delegitimize, chasing me because I dared to do my duty as a citizen, denounced the dishonesty The Mafia, the connivance, covers and complicity of corrupt state officials and diverted. I can not allow these individuals to offend my dignity as a man, father, husband, servant of the state and university lecturer.
I can not allow these individuals to make a fool of myself and to soil my image, I can not allow my name to the papers same as that of a criminal. They decided to crush, to destroy me.
not acquiesce to that, I claim my story with strength, my courage and my independence. I am a free man who is so determined to lie in wait beneath the massacre and that the system above would hold out.
Ask the lawyer. Mariella Cicero to the reasons for my action, the drama that I experienced in recent weeks, ask the Senator ask Beppe Lumia Cristaldi to the Major, ask the lawyer. Repici to Fabio, ask my brother Biagio. They have all the elements and all documents necessary to let you know the story: the genesis, the causes, the events that I am suffering and victimization.
I have taken away the serenity, peace, tranquility, physical and mental strength. I have taken away the joy of living. I can not think of anything else. I ask forgiveness from all for a gesture that I never thought of having to perform.
To my beloved daughter Gilda, and Basil, and Gilduzza Basye, light and pride of my life, I would recommend be united, strong, not to be overwhelmed by negative events not to be disheartened, to study, to qualify, to never give up, not to be too idealistic, forgive me and understand my state of mind: I will guide you with the thought, with much love, I will pray for you, rejoice and suffer with you.
To my beloved partner in life, my Cettina, strong woman, courageous, sweet, nice and understanding: I ask you to make an extra effort, not to cry, to be even stronger and to guide our children with even more love, to be more good and more tenacious than it was me.
To my brother, Biagio and Emilio, always good to want to ask, do not forget about me: I have always loved, I ask you assist with the care and love our parents who are in such need. To my beautiful mom and my amazing dad: I want so much, I send you a hug, you always carry in my heart, you are a force of nature, you gave me so much more than they deserved. To all my relatives, my in-laws, my uncles, my cousins, my nephews, my mother-in-law: I ask you to stay close to Gilda, to Basil and Cettina. I ask you to support them.
To my friends I'll always be grateful for their proximity, for their love, for having spent so many hours happy and carefree. At my university, my students, my collaborators and to my team I will always be grateful for the care and patience expressed to every day. Thanks. 1, that was my life. I spent 30 wonderful years in the university and enthusiastic love of my work as a university lecturer and researcher.
research projects, the search for new, were my life. How many young students have led to graduation. How many good memories.
Now a clan wanted me off the most beautiful things: happiness, the joy of living, my family, the desire to do the strength to look ahead.
I feel like a broken man, destroyed. Please remember with a smile, a prayer, a gesture of affection, with a flower. If I hurt someone I humbly want me to forgive.
I had so much in life. Then, 50 years, I lost my peace of mind for the choice of a judiciary who decided to morally shot in the legs. This system I have fought in all institutions. Now I'm exhausted, I have no energy to do it and I leave in silence. Some will have some remorse, apparently in remorse for having misled a man who blindly believed, wrongly, in the institutions.
A hug her again and again by a man who until a few months ago, smiling at life.
(October 15, 2008)
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Some things are missed. We have the most flaccid opposition Republican in recorded history. E 'able to hold a rally with 4 months in advance and then render meaningless the first 10 days, with tired discussions if it is good or not ... for the good of the country. E 'able to criticize yet another mess of public resources and dignity (....) to save Alitalia and then undertake to find a point of understanding, always for the good of the country for charity. E 'capable of arguing about anything with nothing in hand, neither the power nor an idea. The only thing that makes this circus regroup Leoluca Orlando is the election of the Supervisory Commission on RAI. How sad.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Design Task Statement
Paul Krugman won the Nobel Prize for Economics. Liberal, very severe critic of the Bush administration, was among the first to warn that the situation was grave in the American economy, which would esplsa the housing bubble and the wild deregulation would bring only trouble. He was right about everything and why he won the Nobel. But I have a curiosity rewarded Krugman, Stiglitz in the past, people thought highly critical of the unique domain, now in crisis. I think the game of double standards widespread in Italy, first commend these ideas, secondly we behave in a way diametrically opposite. However, Krugman is great.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
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Friday, October 10, 2008
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The Italian left is so frayed and confused, not able to take advantage of this moment of great weakness of the right. The global economic crisis has highlighted the rot of the system, has shown that there is no invisible hand, but that which is strangling them, showed that of individualism, free markets, privatization of you dies, blinking in the face to the world that this model of development is wrong. The left can not point the finger at these problems, fails to make clear from a political point of view. I do not mean a search of consensus, both non-votes would still would be too complicated, but the discussion of proposals, ideas, new strategies. This failure shows that we stopped 30 years ago and we were able to move forward. We stayed at the mummy of Lenin, but the world has moved forward and collapsed, without the left's failure to propose alternatives convincing.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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I the world is coming down and we stand with the famous island, where no one knows when the Berlin Wall has fallen, perhaps the date of the collapse of the world as we know them if they remember the best
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Palin is successful because it is an American media, it's averagely ignorant, warmongering is, on average, is average dishonest, incoherent averages, it was an average advantage of his role. The Americans prefer a medium that has had to beg a stranger in a university degree after being rejected by all the series rather than Obama who has taught law at the University of Chicago. Not to mention the Italians for love of country.
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Monday, October 6, 2008
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Veltroni I just do not capisco.Questione ALITALIA. He criticized, rightly, the indecent government's plan to destroy the company, socialize losses and privatize profits, but then works to find common ground, and calls Colaninno Epifani at Home, offers coffee and puts d ' agreement, and also wants to be told ..... Who got good with this coffee? E 'managed to get through a plan which he considered wrong and has already drawn attention to a government that would oppose, but here we are in the world upside down and then all is well.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
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London, 13:31
The war against the Taliban can not 'be won. The cold water on hopes of normalization of Afghanistan are the commander of British forces in the country, in an interview with the Sunday edition of the 'Times' to alert the public that we can not expect a "decisive military victory" but to prepare an agreement with fundamentalists Muslims evicted Allied invasion in December 2001. The discouraging statements of Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith is the aftermath of the leak on a memorandum in which a French diplomat described the disillusionment of Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, ambassador of his Majesty 'to Kabul. The French diplomat Cowper-Coles had criticized the current strategy as "doomed to failure."