What have we become? What a transformation we have now to be able to withstand the attack of a country against a defenseless population? What level of barbarism we have achieved even if the destruction of human life we \u200b\u200bcan move from intellectual slumber that has pervaded us now?
Israel is carrying out a massacre, not even a war, no matter how terrible word. A clash that sees more than 1300 deaths on one side and the other 10 soldiers killed in combat is not a war, is a mass execution.
This can not be tolerated. If there is such a thing and does not raise a strong protest from the public, it means that we have passed a limit, a very dangerous limit, beyond which does not affect us if they are slaughtered hundreds of children. In Gaza there was a massacre, were trampled even the most basic rules in the event of civil war. Were destroyed structures of the United Nations have proved once more their uselessness, have been used banned weapons in the general indifference, or rather the action of Israel, often referred to as the only Middle East-democraziadel giving rise to many of us suspect that perhaps democracy is not the wonder that is said around-is supported and justified. It is said, as do you live with rockets raining down on his head. It 's true, but it must analyze the issue in its entirety, otherwise we are all a Gasparri. With the famous Quassam 3 people have died since the war began, probably because he fell on his head, are made rockets, with a limited range and accuracy almost non-existent. But it is true, it is not right that one country is targeted by these rockets. But even that is not just a population living in a camp a few kilometers long and five wide, surrounded by a wall, thousands of soldiers ready to shoot and employee of everything from his jailer. It is a situation that human history has unfortunately already experienced and is very sad that the people who 70 years ago was the victim of this human aberration has now turned into a murderer.
We see the political aspect. Israel has undertaken no carnage this reason, interrupted a period of truce lasted a few months, truce observed by Hamas, causing a huge increase in tension in the area. Why did she do? And above all why he did it a few days from the settlement of Obama?
Israel is carrying out a massacre, not even a war, no matter how terrible word. A clash that sees more than 1300 deaths on one side and the other 10 soldiers killed in combat is not a war, is a mass execution.
This can not be tolerated. If there is such a thing and does not raise a strong protest from the public, it means that we have passed a limit, a very dangerous limit, beyond which does not affect us if they are slaughtered hundreds of children. In Gaza there was a massacre, were trampled even the most basic rules in the event of civil war. Were destroyed structures of the United Nations have proved once more their uselessness, have been used banned weapons in the general indifference, or rather the action of Israel, often referred to as the only Middle East-democraziadel giving rise to many of us suspect that perhaps democracy is not the wonder that is said around-is supported and justified. It is said, as do you live with rockets raining down on his head. It 's true, but it must analyze the issue in its entirety, otherwise we are all a Gasparri. With the famous Quassam 3 people have died since the war began, probably because he fell on his head, are made rockets, with a limited range and accuracy almost non-existent. But it is true, it is not right that one country is targeted by these rockets. But even that is not just a population living in a camp a few kilometers long and five wide, surrounded by a wall, thousands of soldiers ready to shoot and employee of everything from his jailer. It is a situation that human history has unfortunately already experienced and is very sad that the people who 70 years ago was the victim of this human aberration has now turned into a murderer.
We see the political aspect. Israel has undertaken no carnage this reason, interrupted a period of truce lasted a few months, truce observed by Hamas, causing a huge increase in tension in the area. Why did she do? And above all why he did it a few days from the settlement of Obama?

Certainly the new president American would have caused an upheaval of the situation could change balance sedimented. We guess. Obama starts negotiations with Iran now closer to agree to abandon Hamas, Israel would see their problem extinguished without any violence. So instead who is the winner? Obviously, Israel has won on the field, and I would also like to see, but politically it has certainly lost, as lost years ago in favor of Hezbollah in Lebanon. A massacre like the one perpetrated by Israel is the breeding ground for Islamic fundamentalism. Israel kills more and more the enemies become stronger. How can you make peace massacring hundreds of children? How can we expect people they had a son killed we now want to make peace? Israel is guaranteed by its conduct years of violence, attacks, suicide bombers are ready to bring the terror in its cities. How dare we call them terrorists?