Egr. Mr. Mayor of Todi
Mr. Antonino Ruggiano
On behalf of The Right Political Movement in Todi that I represent, I ask that the SV should be alongside the flag of Tibet, rightly exposed in the windows of the Palazzo Comunale, also that of ' South Ossetia, which in these days was and is the subject of a very serious act of ethnic cleansing by Georgia, to testify to the closeness and solidarity people of Russian nationality and ethnicity (which represented 90% of the Ossetian population) who are oppressed and killed and forced to exodus into their homeland.
With Treats. Gianluca
letter published in The Tam Tam August 12, 2008
I do not want to repeat what rightly CasaPound expressed in a statement, but only express the same thought by the people of the right hand. The international community becomes increasingly influenced by American will and dependent on the economic power of energy in any event, the policy is no longer independent (if it ever was) to be imperialists and economic factors. We know that Ossetia is a huge oil tank and a focal point for control of oil and gas in the Caucasian territory.
Repeat the facts that always affect our history, the United States again, with the new excuse not to be guarantors of democracy worldwide, interfere into matters that concern them and the ectoplasm Europe following the decision taken by the oil Bush. I would just like an answer to a question: why the world has greeted with enthusiasm exaggerated the birth of the independent state of Kosovo to Serbia stolen whilst it is hostile to the fact that South Ossetia will rejoin the north, already under the control of the Russian Federation?
The people of Ossetia is still largely in the prevalence of ethnic Russians (I say again because if it continues the extermination by the Georgians, the refugees fleeing into the Russian land and the numerous deaths, the prevalence of Ossetians could become Georgian) and it is normal that wants to get back in their homeland instead of being subject to ethnic cleansing taking place in these hours by Georgia. Instead of worrying about the legitimate Russian intervention, the UN, the Americans, Europe should take care of the other great tragedies that afflict the world are all welcoming the Olympics to celebrate the magnificence of the opening, recalling times when the scheme totalitarian avail themselves of such event to demonstrate their power, not caring about what utter disregard for human rights in China: they have all forgotten in the great Olympic festival and the huge problem of hunger in the world that is growing in geometric progression as a result of 'soaring food commodity, always in this celebration you forget the tragedy of the Burmese people, Palestinians, Iraqis and Kurds in fact, when all are busy having fun, in the silence even more likely to be assaulted by their oppressors.
No such problems do not affect the only problem that affects the world at this moment is not the oppression and hunger of the people, but only to prevent a State, whose inhabitants are mainly Russian absolute, can not riannettersi to their homeland, which faces more disturbing is that this is opposed by the United States of America and Europe (including Italy) exclusively for the usual interests economic and humanitarian grounds as it would have us believe. The hope is that the matter be resolved between Russia and Georgia and that there are no other persons outside military intervention because then there could be an escalation in the outcome of which would not be predictable.
A request to the Mayor of Todi, because alongside the Tibetan flag at city hall did not finally exposed alongside that of South Ossetia? It would be a great act in defense of self-determination. Gianluca
Alvi - The Right Todi
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