The agreement between the only two real and Italian forces on the right is a reality; La Destra Fiamma Tricolore and will go to vote with a single symbol and a single list. Unlike the pseudopartito right of Mussolini, which has only ensured a place for her in Parliament by selling his ideas and especially the last name indecorously door, we are the only ones, right, who did not accept alms from a handful Members, in return for his political death, the new cartel election of Berlusconi and Fini. Their intent is now clear to make an alliance with the left of Veltroni, cutting the extreme wings, but will have to deal with us because we will be present in Parliament and never willing to compromise for their low-interest workshop. Honor the secretaries of our parties then Storace Ladies and Romagnoli, which together with our President and our candidate Buontempo Hon Prime Minister Hon Santanchè, decided to unite in a strong right, and true identity. Our ideals are pure, imperishable and unavailable to any arbitration or mediation that is not of interest for our country. Let us now moving together because that certainly will achieve the necessary votes from the voters to have a large and influential representation in Parliament and our people are not willing to support this outrageous new processors which leaves more distinguish the different ideals of free and intelligent people should have nor, above all, to die Democrat. We spend all our energies for these elections, because to be followed by a short European and local elections and because of this first result will depend on our future and the keeping of our alliance. In Todi we definitely very strong because this agreement was formalized an alliance that is in fact already existed for the common ideals that distinguish the militants of our two political forces. Now more than ever the thought of Ezra Pound: "If a man is not willing to risk anything for his ideas or his ideas are worth nothing or he is worthless."
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