Trieste the first conference of the party "the right"
Storace: "Santanchè candidate for prime minister" In the evening meeting with Silvio Berlusconi
Former Minister of Health: "If the Knight The right rejects the party will go on our way "
TRIESTE -" Tonight I see Berlusconi Arcore. To explain what happened today in Trieste, it is incumbent on my part. I'll tell him on Saturday to collect signatures on two forms: the first, it will say "Santanchè premier," the second "Berlusconi premier. "If the rider refuses the Right, we continue on our way." In the aftermath of the discourse of Silvio Berlusconi in San Babila and the day when Walter Veltroni Spello kick off the campaign by the Democratic Party, Francesco Storace pulls its trump card ahead of the vote on 13 and 14 April. And it does at the end of the first national conference organized by his party in Trieste. "We were impressed - said the former Minister of Health - dall'Ova of well- tributed five minutes to our proposal to nominate a spokesman at Palazzo Chigi. More generally remarked that if everyone did the right is because there is blood in the veins and we do not accept tricks. "
" OUR PEOPLE He asks us to go it alone "- In a statement, Storace writes that the right 'calls, before the veto, to go alone, with the candidacy of Daniela Santanche. The former member of the National Alliance said the experience "a responsibility: that of having to represent a community that asks her to go alone. Our people - he concludes - in Trieste proved not to tolerate injury to our dignity. "
"I pride" - "It took the courage of my right to nominate the first woman prime minister in an electoral competition," said Daniela Santanche in a statement. "Many thanks to all officers and Storace - adds Santanchè - And I'm available to the party for the decisions we are going to take with great pride to represent, along with thousands and thousands of militants and sympathizers of the true Italian right. "
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