Friday, October 31, 2008

Formula Of Thodolight

Rebuilding Cossiga is unassailable

Maybe I'm stoned, but what happened to Piazza Navona a few days ago had already happened before. The story is this: there was once a happy and peaceful demonstration olds happy to walk through the center of Rome, at some point come the fascists, always armed police, who sneak in as the cockroaches the event and are already beginning to lift the tension, then take clubs and sticks that the police had allowed him to take to the streets even with a pickup truck so they will not sweat and begin to attack the peaceful protest and kids there to experience the thrill of the first employment. At that point come the academics on the left to try to protect kids and give the right wake-up to the usual brave fascists, but of course one can not arrive on time and police intervention. It 's a scenario seen dozens of times and perfectly defined by the former President Cossiga, you want more?


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